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Proactive Monitoring of UPF Performance in 5G Core Networks#
AutorWilton Arthur Poth
TypUniversity Bachelor Thesis
Abstract 5G is the latest mobile networking standard, with many enhancements over previous generations, including stricter performance requirements and wider applicability. A crucial component of a 5G network is the User Plane Function (UPF), which handles all user traffic. To ensure a UPF meets its performance expectations and to proactively provision resources according to load, its performance needs to be monitored while running in a live network. This work introduces a new lightweight network component, running in parallel to the UPF, which collects various performance metrics of the UPF to be monitored using an out-of-band software approach, differentiating it from previous related work. An implementation is developed and evaluated in an appropriate test bed, including a custom UPF with the ability to simulate different scenarios. Results show fairly good measurement accuracy, especially considering that the implementation is software-based, with a timing accuracy of up to one microsecond. The implementation provides a proof-of-concept, with potential for increasing efficiency and solving some more of the practical complications of the chosen approach mentioned in this work.
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Bewertung1.0 by university institute
Veröffentlicht2024-09-01 (eingeschränkt), 2025-01-24 (offen)
Multipath QUIC: Current Developments#
AutorWilton Arthur Poth
TypUniversity Assignment (Solo Seminar), Review Paper
AbstractMany devices nowadays come equipped with multiple network interfaces, including Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and cellular. Especially mobile phones usually have a Wi-Fi and a cellular connection, and are often connected using both interfaces simultaneously. To make use of both connections at the same time, protocols such as Multipath TCP have been developed, which split a single logical connection over multiple network paths, to increase throughput and robustness. Currently, there are efforts to introduce a similar feature to the newer and more advanced transport protocol QUIC. This paper provides an overview over the design and challenges of Multipath QUIC and multipath protocols in general, and current research efforts to improve the protocol’s design and performance.
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Bewertung1.0 by members of the university institute
Veröffentlicht2024-08-31 (offen)
NetSec, Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228)#
AutorWilton Arthur Poth
TypUniversity Assignment (Elective Course)
AbstractDiese Arbeit hat kein Abstract
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Bewertung100% by members of the university institute
Veröffentlicht2024-08-31 (offen)