0% open source
Several applications responsible for maintaining and monitoring my server infrastructure (including this website)
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Internal project name(s): asnet, asnet-statistics-srv, asnetlg, backupproxy, cdn3, certUpdate, certbot-commserver, controller, esxi-status-provider, gateway (proxy), hosting-j-comm, hosting-t, hosting-v-comm, svc_mgmt, tor-hs-comm, warp-su, watchdog client, watchdog v2
Decentralized server uptime monitoring (status.warpcs.org)
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Internal project name(s): server status (distributed)
Lightweight DNS server for distribution on several external servers with one central server managing the DNS records. geodns selects the nearest CDN server based on IP geolocation of the DNS client (geo.warpcs.org).
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Internal project name(s): edgedns2, geodns
View on sw.warpcs.org
88% open source
Mail Server (mx.w3h.io; MTA), alongside dovecot as the MDA
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Internal project name(s): mailserver
0% open source
manager.highperformancewebhosting.com is a (Java EE powered) web interface for web hosting and other hosting services
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Internal project name(s): hpwh-mgr
0% open source
WarpCS Commerce (ec.warpcs.com) is an e-commerce platform handling products, orders, and communication with a payment processor.
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Internal project name(s): warpcs_commerce
#0% open source
Common library for Java EE web applications
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Internal project name(s): w3-jeec
0% open source
API server that dynamically loads endpoint code when modified (api.warpcs.org)
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Internal project name(s): web api 2, web api3
The HTTP reverse proxy used for warpcs.org web services and several plugins providing additional features
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Internal project name(s): encrproxy, omz_proxy3_java, omz_proxy3_java_plugins, omz_proxy_java_http2
0% open source
WarpCS SSO authentication system (idp.warpcs.org)
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Internal project name(s): omzsso
Java networking library providing an API similar to Node.js
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Internal project name(s): omz-net-lib
#nettunnel is an omz-net-lib extension allowing two mutually trusting peers to communicate efficiently over a single TCP connection for faster connection establishment
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Internal project name(s): nettunnel
#View on sw.warpcs.org
64% open source
Applications managing and running the minecraft servers at mc.warp03.xyz + Several plugins/mods
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Internal project name(s): mc_jnr, mc_plugin_lib, mc_proxy_pl_main, mc_spigot_permsync, mc_velocity_custom, mcproxy, mgmt_master, mpp2, serverstats (mcserver)
#0% open source
Proxy collecting all request URLs by the browser, which are then sent to the archiver server which fetches and stores all of those resources (archive.warpcs.org)
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Internal project name(s): internet_archive
Dynamically generated documentation pages at docs.warpcs.org. This also includes the documentation generator at docs.warpcs.org/ci/.
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Internal project name(s): docs-ci, web_docs v2
HTTP library
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Internal project name(s): omz-http-lib
#0% open source
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Internal project name(s): infratest
Excluded from Most Used Languages stats
Discord bots + ubot-client
#ubot-client repository
14% open source
A bunch of discord bots and bot frameworks I've written, some based on ubot-client, including a music bot that can play from YT, SoundCloud and Twitch and allows any FFmpeg audio filter to be set, and a voice command bot to control the music
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Internal project name(s): [hidden], [hidden], [hidden], [hidden], [hidden], [hidden], [hidden], [hidden], [hidden], bot v2, discord bot controller, ubot client
Work-in-progress 64-bit operating system based on a microkernel
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Internal project name(s): hadron kernel, hadron syscore, u9malloc
Common library for Java
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Internal project name(s): omz-java-lib
A modular boot loader supporting amd64 and i386 running on BIOS or UEFI firmware
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Internal project name(s): sxboot 4
OBJ to minecraft converter
#Some screenshots
0% open source
Wavefront OBJ to minecraft anvil file format converter with texture support written in JavaScript. Can also (somewhat) convert BSP files to OBJ
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Internal project name(s): mcjs
#All website frontend code not already covered by any other project entry (including this website)
Internal project name(s): omz-source, register machine, skribbl, user94729 website
This is an aggregate entry; parts or subprojects are likely mutually unrelated
Excluded from Most Used Languages stats
#Internal project name(s): cctv-mgr, encrproxyissuer, mcbot-visual, omz-js-lib, push.js, securitynodes, u9-utils, w-skynet, web statistics, web trampoline 3, web_gs, web_trampoline
Additional name(s): statistics.warpcs.org/worldmap
This is an aggregate entry; parts or subprojects are likely mutually unrelated
Excluded from Most Used Languages stats
Legacy code
#Old code which is no longer actively used or maintained (and probably also quite bad)
This is an aggregate entry; parts or subprojects are likely mutually unrelated
Excluded from Most Used Languages stats
32 iprojects
Click on a bar to filter by that language.
Projects and statistics on this page only contain code written by me through own motivation.
This excludes, for example, development projects for (monetary) compensation or code for university assignments.
At least 8 of the things listed above were involved in making it possible for you to see this website :)Which?
Some random web applications I made at some point:
- skribbl.io copy written from scratch
- matrix
- register machine vm, a RASP machine to be exact. Too lazy to write documentation so good luck figuring out yourself how to use/program it.. (incomplete flappybird implementation might be useful)
- some other ones that are garbage and not listed here, for example: "chess"
Noteworthy, but not big enough for its own entry above: "push.js" is a small script which automatically transforms / minifies web files and copies them to the public webroots.
You will find a small header on each static file transformed by push.js.
Keep in mind that lines of code are only comparable to a limited extent. Differences in programming languages can cause different results for similar work. Also, differences in line counting mechanisms and code style differences make comparisons with other developers and projects difficult. I use relatively little whitespace and have a maximum line length of 200 1-wide characters (which is quite a lot, and some languages, e.g. HTML or plain text, have no restriction at all), meaning the exact same code could be significantly less lines in my code style.
There are many more projects / applications not listed here for one or more of the following reasons:
- The project was abandoned (at least one year ago) or never completed (23 +21 were superseded)
- ... is not significant enough (10)
+ 1 removed, 1 unlisted, 21 duplicates, 40 excluded